“Star Trek: Enterprise Collection” edizione limitata di soli 3000 pezzi

La-La Land Records e CBS presentano una nuova eccezionale edizione della colonna sonora originale della serie televisiva Star Trek: Enterprise.

La copertina dell'edizione a tiratura limitata

La copertina dell’edizione a tiratura limitata

Questa splendida collezione di CD-4 raccoglie l’opera dei compositori particolarmente talentuosi che hanno accompagnato questa serie, prequel di Star Trek, a velocità warp per quattro stagioni. La musica spazia sapientemente dal fiero ed emozionante al riflessivo ed emozionale – è essenzialmente musica di fantascienza che vi tocca il cuore mentre vi apre la mente. Il disco uno raccoglie la musica di Dennis McCarthy, il disco due ci mostra il lavoro di Jay Chattaway, mentre il disco tre “Veterani e nuove reclute” mette in luce una collezione di compositori come anche il disco quattro, “Preferite dai fan”, che comprende musica dagli episodi “In uno specchio oscuro” , parti I e II e “Rigenerazione”, tra gli altri. Prodotto da Ford A. Thaxton, James Nelson, Mark Banning e Lukas Kendall e masterizzato da James Nelson, questa edizione speciale di soli 3000 pezzi include un libretto di 36 pagine con note approfondite dello scrittore Jeff Bond, con nuovi commenti da McCarthy, Chattaway e altri.
Chi lo ha ordinato per tempo riceverà la propria copia autografata dai compositori Dennis McCarthy, John Frizzell e David Bell senza alcun aumento di prezzo

Di seguito la composizione dei quattro dischi.

Music by Dennis McCarthy
* Music by Dennis McCarthy
& Kevin Kiner

1. Where My Heart Will Take Me (Main Title, Season One) (1:25)
Written by Diane Warren
Performed by Russell Watson

Shockwave, Part I #026
2.  Disaster (0:56)
3.  Eulogy (1:43)
4.  Daniels Arrives (3:02)
5. Hide and Seek (3:34)
6. No Return (3:41)
Recorded May 15, 2002
Original Airdate: May 22, 2002

Shockwave, Part II #028
7.  A Refresher (1:43)
8. Playing Possum (2:16)
9.  The Captain (2:25)
10.  Onward (0:23)
Recorded September 10, 2002
Original Airdate: September 18, 2002

The Expanse #052
11.  Florida Attack (0:47)
12. On the Team (2:12)
13. Now There Is One / Loop-de-Loop (5:02)
Recorded May 14, 2003
Original Airdate: May 21, 2003

Impulse #057
14.  Blocked Exit (2:57)
15. Paranoia (2:02)
Recorded October 1, 2003
Original Airdate: October 8, 2003

Twilight #060
16.  Armageddon (1:40)
17.  Rip Van Winkle / Angst (2:05)
18. Showdown / Back to the Past (6:59)
Recorded October 1, 2003
Original Airdate: October 8, 2003

Carpenter Street #063
19.  Street Walkin’ (3:05)
Recorded November 19, 2003
Original Airdate: November 26, 2003

Kir’Shara* #085
20.  Kir’Shara Activated (3:29)
Recorded November 23, 2004
Original Airdate: December 3, 2004

Countdown* #075
21.  Re–Cap Enterprise 075 (1:32)
22.  Ready to Fire (3:27)
23.  Countdown Begins (1:10)
24. Hays Departs (1:34)
Recorded May 3, 2004
Original Airdate: May 19, 2004

Storm Front, Part II* #078
25.  Recap–Enterprise 078 (1:10)
26.  Fight to the Death (3:06)
27.  Stukas Coming / The Vortex (3:11)
28. Timeline Restored (1:19)
29. Home at Last (1:39)
Recorded September 23, 2004
Original Airdate: October 15, 2004

30.  Where My Heart Will Take Me (End Credits Instrumental) (1:03)
(Diane Warren)
Total Time – Disc One: 70:52


Music by Jay Chattaway

1.  Where My Heart Will Take Me (Main Title, Season Three) (1:22)
Written by Diane Warren
Performed by Russell Watson

Civilization #009
2.  Old City (2:34)
3. Entering the Reactor / Reactor Surprise (3:13)
4.  Memorable (0:29)
Recorded November 6, 2001
Original Airdate: November 14, 2001

The Catwalk #038
5.  Taking Back Enterprise / Capitan a Capitan / Core Is Down (7:43)
Recorded December 11, 2002
Original Airdate: December 18, 2002

North Star #061
6.  Hangin’ Offense (1:01)
7. Gunfight / Final Fight (4:17)
8.  New School (0:59)
Recorded November 5, 2003
Original Airdate: November 11, 2003

Zero Hour #076
9.  Sphere Builder On Board / Andorian Offensive / Sphere / Final Showdown (12:03)
10.  My Captain (2:29)
Recorded May 13, 2004
Original Airdate: May 26, 2004

Storm Front, Part I #077
11. Daniels’ Goodbye (2:50)
Recorded September 16, 2004
Original Airdate: October 8, 2004

Awakening #084
12.  Meet Surak (1:37)
13.  Archer Remembers Cave / Vulcans On the Attack / Kir’shara  (7:03)
Recorded November 17–18, 2004
Original Airdate: November 26, 2004

Bound #093
14.  Slave Girl Dance (2:07)
15. Kelby Under the Spell (1:20)
16. Captain Romantic / Disoriented Captain (4:00)
17. Harrad-Sar Attacks /Trip Foils Slave Girls (5:27)
Recorded March 15–16, 2005
Original Airdate: April 15, 2005

Terra Prime #097
18.  Five Seconds to Impact (2:02)
19.  Her Name Is Elizabeth (1:19)
20. Archer’s Speech (1:49)
21.  Grieving (2:22)
Recorded April 22, 2005
Original Airdate: May 13, 2005

The Catwalk #038
22.  Into the Sunset (0:32)
Recorded December 11, 2002
Original Airdate: December 18, 2002

23.  Where My Heart Will Take Me (End Credits Instrumental) (0:49)
(Diane Warren)
Total Time – Disc Two: 70:59


Veterans and New Recruits

1.  Archer’s Theme (Unused Main Title) (1:24)
(Dennis McCarthy)

Horizon #046 (Mark McKenzie)
2.  Travis in Sweet Spot / Change of Course   (1:37)
3.  Up Your Alley (4:18)
4.  Star Map (1:16)
5.  We’re Under Attack (1:50)
6.  Band of Brothers (3:33)
7. Never Better Sir (1:23)
Recorded April 2, 2003
Original Airdate: April 16, 2003

Terra Nova #006
(David Bell)
8.  Phaser Cuts Log (1:48)
Recorded October 16, 2001
Original Airdate: October 24, 2001

Dear Doctor #013
(David Bell)
9.  Doc’s First Installment / Phlox Needs a Friend  (3:46)
Recorded October 16, 2001
Original Airdate: October 24, 2001

The Andorian Incident #007 (Paul Baillargeon)
10.  Sanctuary Interrupted (0:47)
11.  Sensor Array  (2:32)
Recorded October 23, 2001
Original Airdate: October 31, 2001

Vox Sola #022 (Paul Baillargeon)
12.  Force Field Ready / Take Me Home / Crew Released / Home of the Tendril   (3:28)
Recorded April 17, 2002
Original Airdate: May 1, 2002

First Flight #050
(Paul Baillargeon)
13.  Prototype Crash (3:34)
14. See You Out There (1:41)
Recorded May 1, 2003
Original Airdate: May 14, 2003

Proving Ground #065
(John Frizzell)
15.  Recap (1:32)
16.  Turning the Tables (4:12)
Recorded January 13, 2004
Original Airdate: January 21, 2004

Silent Enemy #012
(Velton Ray Bunch)
17.  First Encounter (2:03)
18. Taking Risks / Showdown (4:44)
19. Pineapple Cake (0:59)
Recorded December 11, 2001
Original Airdate: January 16, 2002

Desert Crossing #024
(Velton Ray Bunch)
20.  Warm Welcome (1:14)
21. Geskana Match / Archer Goes for Goal (2:52)
22. Trip’s Menu (1:23)
23.  The Rescue (3:00)
24. Not Why We’re Here (0:59)
Recorded April 30, 2002
Original Airdate: May 8, 2002

Similitude #062
(Velton Ray Bunch)
25.  In Memoriam (0:43)
26. Warp Drive Test (3:08)
27. You Owe Me One (3:51)
Recorded November 12, 2003
Original Airdate: November 19, 2003

The Augments #082
(Velton Ray Bunch)
28.  Recap / Teaser–Enterprise 082  (1:51)
29.  Pathogen Bomb  (3:27)
30. Goodbye Doc (0:39)
Recorded November 4, 2004
Original Airdate: November 12, 2004

31. Archer’s Theme (End Credits)  (0:39)          (Dennis McCarthy)
Total Time – Disc Three: 79:09


Fan Favorites

In a Mirror, Darkly, Parts I and II #094
(Dennis McCarthy & Kevin Kiner)
1. First Contact Revisited (1:49)
(Jerry Goldsmith, Dennis McCarthy & Kevin Kiner)
2.  Mirror Main Title From Enterprise (1:21)
3.  Mutiny (3:53)
4.  Dangerous Seduction (2:43)
5.  Counter Attack  (2:31)
6.  Boarding the Defiant (2:23)
7. Tholian Web (2:08)
8. Abandon Enterprise (1:59)
9. Recap–Enterprise 095 (1:00)
10. Defiant Trapped / Defiant Fights Back (2:49)
11. T’Pol Interrogation (1:31)
12. Booby Trap (2:26)
13. Gorn to Die (2:53)
14. Defiant to the Rescue (2:14)
15. T’Pol Busted (2:05)
16. Phlox Sabotage (1:55)
17. Avenger Attacks (2:02)
18. Empress Hoshi (1:16)
Recorded March 30, 2005
Original Airdates: April 22 and 29, 2005

Regeneration #049
(Brian Tyler)
19.  Borg Crash Site / Borg Awakening (3:13)
20.  Archer Tells Plan / Distress Call / Phlox Attacked  (3:10)
21.  Hive Mind / Borg Hunt / Dead in the Water (6:43)
22.  Borg Attack / Borg Attack 2  (7:23)
23.  Message in a Bottle / Postponed  (0:58)
Recorded April 22, 2003
Original Airdate: May 7, 2003

These Are The Voyages #098 (Dennis McCarthy & Kevin Kiner)
24.  Freeze Program / Enterprise D  (0:59)
25.  Narrow Escape  (1:24)
26.  Under Attack / Trip Hurt (4:28)
27.  Trip’s Possessions / It Was Worthwhile (1:46)
28.  Heroic / Trek Theme Montage (2:11)
(Jerry Goldsmith, Alexander Courage & Gene Roddenberry,    Dennis McCarthy & Kevin    Kiner)
Recorded April 29, 2005
Original Airdate: May 13, 2005

29.  Archer’s Theme (End Credits)
(Dennis McCarthy) / Paramount Studios Logo (0:51)
(Lalo Schifrin)
Total Time – Disc Four: 76:51

Potete ordinarlo al sito www.lalalandrecords.com per $59.98



2 commenti

    • GianLuca il 14 Dicembre 2014 alle 17:14
    • Rispondi

    Sarebbe anche interessante, ma da me non vedranno più un centesimo.
    Per gennaio farò la mia ultima spesa con loro, giusto per completare TNG in blu ray (prenotato a poco più di 20€).

    • Brunt il 22 Dicembre 2014 alle 16:51
    • Rispondi

    me too, se non completano ENT basta acquisti

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